Protective Mother Justice Shelter

Jayotlewski   -  

MPCC supports this local shelter with clothing and household items for Women starting over.

The drop box is located in Fellowship Hall!


Protective Mother Justice Shelter: A Sanctuary of Hope and Safety

The Protective Mother Justice Shelter stands as a beacon of hope and safety for mothers and children escaping domestic violence and abuse. This shelter is more than just a temporary refuge; it is a lifeline that offers comprehensive support, empowering families to rebuild their lives in a secure and nurturing environment.

Our mission at the Protective Mother Justice Shelter is to provide a safe haven where mothers and their children can find immediate relief from the threat of abuse. Upon arrival, each family is welcomed with compassion and care, ensuring they feel supported and understood. The shelter offers a range of essential services, including emergency housing, nutritious meals, clothing, and medical care.

Beyond meeting these basic needs, the shelter provides critical emotional and psychological support. Through counseling and therapy, mothers and children can begin to heal from the trauma they have endured. Legal advocacy is also a key component of our services, guiding mothers through the complex process of obtaining protective orders, securing custody, and navigating the legal system to ensure their safety and rights are upheld.

Education and empowerment are central to our approach. The shelter offers life skills training, financial literacy programs, and job placement assistance, equipping mothers with the tools they need to achieve long-term independence and stability. For children, the shelter provides educational support and recreational activities, helping them to recover a sense of normalcy and joy.

The Protective Mother Justice Shelter is committed to breaking the cycle of abuse and creating a future where families can thrive in a safe and loving environment. Through community partnerships and the support of generous donors, we continue to expand our reach and enhance our services, ensuring that every mother and child who comes to us find the strength and resources to rebuild their lives.